The implementation of the two European Natura 2000 directives (Habitats Directive and Bird Directive), also in the context of LIFE projects, is of particular importance to our office. We have been able to support the implementation of these two guidelines in recent years with numerous tasks (species protection projects, management plans, risk analyzes, training courses).
Mag. Dr. Rainer Raab is responsible as official expert in some of those fields for authorities of federal states.
Focus areas:
- Telemetry studies to analyse space and habitat use (Great Bustard, Red Kite and other bird species)
- Species conservation projects (Great Bustard, Stone-curlew, Red Kite and other bird and dragonfly species)
- Expert assessments (especially for wind farms and high-voltage line projects)
- Management plans for Natura 2000 sites
- Studies and training courses
- Basic information for nature impact assessments
- Submission process for nature conservation project permits
- Organisation of scientific symposia
Processed animal groups:
- Insects (dragonflies, butterflies, …)
- Amphibians and reptiles
- Birds (Great Bustard, Stone-curlew, Red Kite, …)
- Mammals (bats, spermophilus, hamster,steppe mouse)