Mag. Dr. Rainer Raab

Mag. Dr. Rainer Raab studied Zoology at the University Vienna. Since 1991 he did numerous dragonfly and bird related projects for different clients with the focus on cross-border conservation project for the Great Bustard. Rainer Raab had his first sighting of the Great Bustard out of private interest already in the years 1990 and 1991 in Marchfeld. Since spring 1999 until summer 2014 he spent more than 6.500 hours in the field (private) in the Austrian Bustard areas and is still excited about each and every Great Bustard sighting.  Since 2014,

Together with more than 50 partners Rainer Raab tagged a lot of individuals of different bird species in Europe and parts of Asia. Within different projects e.g., LIFE Great Bustard, LIFE EUROKITE the TB Raab has full access to all data of these birds: These includes over 3.000 tagged red kites (since 2013), 98 black kites (since 2014), 83 imperial eagles (since 2016), 80 white-tailed eagles (since 2015), 73 great bustards (since 2017), 53 honey buzzards (since 2016) and 22 ospreys (since 2019).

From February 2001 to September 2022, he was working as the “Technical Office for Biology”. Since September 2022 he is the managing partner of the TB Raab Ltd.

PhD. Doctoral Studies, University of Vienna, Austria
MSc. Zoology, University Vienna, Austria

Work focus:
Managing partner of the TB Raab Ltd
Project management
LIFE projects
Scientific publications
Fauna mapping
Nature assessment reports



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