Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Gärtner

After completing his studies, he was working as an assistant at BOKU, then 15 years involved in the planning and implementation of the Kalkalpen National Park (department head "Nature management, research and monitoring”). Since 1999 he is intensively involved in LIFE Nature projects in changing roles. Since 2008 independent consultant for nature conservation, monitoring and GIS (project development, project appraisal and project implementation and ecological building supervision). DI Andreas Gärtner is an external worker. Since February 2020 is he member of the Team TB Raab Ltd.
Diploma degree Forestry, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria
Postgraduate university course in Geographic Information Systems, University Salzburg, Austria
Work focus:
Administration of the LIFE EUROKITE project
Terrestrial ecosystems (primarily forests and moor), species protection projects